WMMS is hosting a COAT Drive for winter coats. They need adult sizes M-XL and will collect them through December 21st. You may drop them off at the WMMS office. Please contact Tiffany LaBeth at tlabeth@kirksville.k12.mo.us for more information.

WMMS is hosting a COAT DRIVE

KATC would love your old shoes
Would you ever think that your old shoes could help support students at Kirksville R-III School District? The Tech Center FCCLA and Educators Rising are participating in a fundraiser WHERE THERE IS NOTHING TO BUY OR SELL, all we need is your support and your old shoes.
Here's how you do it:
Start in your family’s closets and gather pairs of shoes that you’ve outgrown, are out of style, or out of season. Share with neighbors, students, and other community members how awesome it was to clean out your shoes and donate them to the Tech Center FCCLA/Educators Rising Chapter.
They will take children's shoes, men's shoes, women's shoes, snow boots, etc. The only shoes they cannot take are skates, and ski boots that hook into skis.
These shoes will help support our program as well as individuals in developing nations like Ghana, Haiti, and Cambodia.
Please contact dsnyder@kirksville.k12.mo.us for more information!
Don't forget to follow us on social media!

Be looking for texts from 989-00! When each school sends texts or the district as a whole, the number that will appear will be 989-00. Please note this message is a ONE-way texting system and we won't be able to receive any texts you send. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to your student's school.

CARES Center Hours
The Complete Family Medicine CARES Center will be closed for Christmas Break starting Thursday, December 22, 2022, through Tuesday, January 3, 2023. The CARES Center will resume normal hours on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. Please call the CARES Center with any questions at 660-956-7011.

Inclement Weather Website
Please make sure you review our Inclement Weather page on our website. It's a comprehensive guide that includes school cancelation, two-hour delays, early dismissal, and hard surface/snow routes.
We will make every effort to notify families as soon as possible in each situation. Please read the website for more information.

Weber Bus, Inc Retirement
After 88 years of transporting Kirksville’s future, the Weber family is retiring from bus services beginning July 1, 2023. Shannon Weber says, “It has been an honor to serve the school district and the community for all these years.”
Kirksville R-III will be exploring additional transportation options in the coming months. We would like to thank the Weber family for their years of excellent service to our school and community.