Attention Local Contractors, Kirksville R-3 is building a new performing arts building. Two additional bid packages for several campus improvement projects. Meet the general contractors event: Wed, October 23. 4:30-5:30pm at 1901 E. Hamilton, Kirksville.
Image of proposed Education Center for the Performing Arts building connected to Kirksville High School.
Tech bld
Tech bld
WMMS Gym floor 6-22-23
Rebecca Cross WMMS Assistant Principal
say hello to parent teacher chat in kirksville app with app screens
MS Gym 6-2
MS gym 5-31
What the....?
Summer Journey Program
Black board background with dates
Boy taking a test
App information
Candidate Forum
Chalkboard background with our logo
Clovers with St. Patrick's Day in script
Summer Journey Program
CARES Center